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What Is My Well Ministry?

Learn about who we are and why we offer at-cost credit card processing to faith-based nonprofits.

Our Story

My Well Ministry is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, registered in the state of Illinois, that provides at-cost processing services to faith-based nonprofits, freeing up resources to help these organizations further their mission.

John Pitzaferro, the founder of TransNational Payments, had a profound experience when he heard about a man who used the profits from his lucrative well-drilling business to dig accessible wells for impoverished tribes in Africa. He began to wonder what kinds of “wells” his own business could dig for others. Immediately, John realized "My well is payment processing." Thanks to God’s provision in John’s life, My Well Ministry was launched in 2009.

A Grander Vision

We strongly believe that as followers of Jesus, we can take part in a grander vision to impact the world for good. Rather than follow the traditional business model of seeing churches and faith-based nonprofits as just another market to profit from, we believe that business leaders can change the status quo by offering their services to nonprofits either at cost or for free. 

In the payment industry, this allows us to take the money, previously gleaned by adding a percentage on top of credit card processing fees, and put that money back into ministry.

To date, My Well Ministry has had the opportunity to serve hundreds of churches and 501c3 nonprofits across the country. Since our inception, we've seen organizations save over $13,000,000, freeing up much needed capital that has been used for ministry and kingdom purposes.

Note: If you have any specific questions or would like more information about My Well Ministry, please connect with us!